As mentioned i spent the weekend in the jungle. We were at the lodge Refugio Amazonas. Very nice designed lodge see link. Living is easy but it is simple. No hot water and with one open wall and you are sleeping in a mosquito net. We did several trails into the jungle and we saw a lot of birds and other animals like monkeys etc. A hight was seeing the maccaws from a shelter when to maccaws was close to a claylick. Maccaw use claylicks as food. Strange.
We also had very good food and service. Also we visit the local small farmer Don Manuel who live by the other side of the river.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Djungel-Jim is back
The last weekend I have spent in the Amazon with all the other members of the Swedish team. It was really great. Just being in the jungle is something you can't describe. We went by air to Puerto Maldonado. At the airport we was picked up by our great guide Gilbert. We went by a bad road to the community infierino (which means hell) . After that we went by boat up through the Tambopata river. Great to go by boat. we saw Capivarya and some turtles. After 2,5 hours we reached Refuggio Amazonas that was our lodge which I will tell you more about later.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Fashion show at Perurail-Macchu Piccu
Maccu Pichu was very impressing. It was a very long day starting at 03:00 AM going by bus to the Olantaytambo station (not sure if I spelled i right). From there we went by Perurail around 06:10 to Aliente . We had our own wagon as there was a very few people so early. Realy luxury. We had a great guide Erika with us all day. It was a nice and relaxing ride with the dieseltraing going down to 2400 meters. Very nice views besides Urumbampa river, which is one of the source of the Amazones. After coming to the stop we went by bus upwards to the Macchu Picchu. A really impressive sight. Wha can you say. You have to be there.
Fashion show? Well when we went back by another train in the afternow which served food and drink the staff suddenly started some sort of a fashion show showing some Peruan clothes. Very surreal!
I will try to post more information and pictures later. Right now we are preparing for going to the Amazons and there will be no internet or cellphone at all. Actually I was told that using the internet via satelite can be avialable at something like a 1000 dollar a minute so I better save it. I guess my blogreader will not be willing to pay for it!
Fashion show? Well when we went back by another train in the afternow which served food and drink the staff suddenly started some sort of a fashion show showing some Peruan clothes. Very surreal!
I will try to post more information and pictures later. Right now we are preparing for going to the Amazons and there will be no internet or cellphone at all. Actually I was told that using the internet via satelite can be avialable at something like a 1000 dollar a minute so I better save it. I guess my blogreader will not be willing to pay for it!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Traveling to Cusco
This day we have been traveling to Cusco. We had confirmed tickets but it was overbooked and put on another plane. But we will get some compensation. Nice flights over the Andes. We landed in Cusco which is 3300 above sea level so you have to take it easy. I can feel the change. Walk slowly, rest drink a lot of water and unfortuntly no alchohol is recommended for the first day at least.
Cusco was the capital of the Incas and the area around us is probaly Americas fines archelogical site. I will learn more about this in the coming days. Right now Cusco depends a lot of us tourists.
I will try to post pictures. The hotel here as 2 free internet computers so maby I can fix it.
Cusco was the capital of the Incas and the area around us is probaly Americas fines archelogical site. I will learn more about this in the coming days. Right now Cusco depends a lot of us tourists.
I will try to post pictures. The hotel here as 2 free internet computers so maby I can fix it.
Monday, October 20, 2008
10000 km from Amsterdam
After beeing in the air 12 hours from Amsterdam and Lima we finaly arrived in Lima Peru. Today we had a great family meeting at Eduoardos home meeting his family and Gaby. So much impressons. I also did some dancing(!) in a park in Miraflores which is the finest area in Lima. I am of course jetlaged but already tomorrow it is time for the next flight going to Cusco.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Besök på Carlsberg
Igår var jag på Carlsberg Sverige i Bromma för lite ölprovning. Detta rekommenderar jag. Ciceronen var mycket kunnig och ölen var god. Se vidare länk.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Global kusinträff
Idag har jag varit med om något ganska unikt. Min 5:e kusinare från Kalifornien ringde i morse och frågade om vi kunde träffas. Jag åkte ner till Vasa museet där jag träffade Ginny, hennes syster Christina som bor i London och Ginnys arbetskamrat Paula från Massachuset. Det blev en väldigt fin dag. Efter Vasa åkte vi till Skansen där vi tittade på björnar, rävar mm. Därefter körde jag dem till Drottningholms slott för rundvandring och fika.
Ginny och jag har tidigare haft kontakt via mail men detta var första gången vi träffats på riktigt. Vi hade mycket att tala om kring Peru, släkthistoria, allmän historia mm. Avslutningsvis gick vi igenom den släkttavla jag jobbat fram över de 8 senaste generationerna sedan Carl Nycander. Det visade sig att tavlan var ett mycket bra sätt att ha som utgångspunkt för att komma vidare med och utöka kunskapen. Det var en mycket givande dag.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Ulf Lundell
I onsdags var min fru och jag på Cirkus igen. Denna gång var det Ulf Lundell som stod för showen som mestdels var akustisk. Mycket bra och Uffe bjöd på sig själv. Bla fick vi veta att han bor i Aspudden och han berättade om sin gamle svensklärare Olle Häger. Efter att den akustiska fasen var över förstärktes showen av ett ungt band. Hur kan Uffe ha så mycket energi? Nästa år fyller han 60.
Första gången jag såg honom var nog i början av 89 på Olympen i Lund då han hade sitt stora notställ. Senare konserter under 90-talet och framåt har jag inte sett notstället. Beror kanske på frånvaron av alkohol??.
Iallafall var det en mycket bra konsert. Det finns chans att se honom flera gånger under denna turne´som jag rekomenderar.
Nisse 10 år
Sunday, October 05, 2008
My fair lady
I fredags var vi på Oscarsteatern och såg "My fair Lady" med bla Tommy Körberg, Helen Sjöholm, Jan Malmsjö mfl. Välgjort. Man kom att tänka på Jarl Kulle som var med i det svenska orginalet som gick 59-61 (tror jag). Roligast var nog Henrik Dorsin som lyckades tala ett 10-tal språk (minst) i sin replik.
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